Singing and dancing welcomed the National Delegation when they arrived. Smiles spread the notion of hope whenever eyes met. But, there was more than sentiment in the air; a mandated purpose stirred the staff of Fort Hare in Alice last Friday.


After a year’s long struggle to gain recognition, birthed from injustice, being criminalised for the right to freedom of association and the staff declaring, “no more!” NTEU UFH was finally launched and the branch wasted no time in getting down to business. Newly elected Chairperson, Xolani Tom, and his BEC immediately summarized the mandates from their colleagues, first on the list being accelerating the insourcing process.


National President Peo addressed the over-capacity hall and reassured members that NTEU remains focused on the “bread and butter” issues and removes itself from political influences and bias. He further commented that whilst NTEU remains politically non-aligned it is “not blind to social issues” and will hold to account any political party, organisation or institution obstructing NTEU’s vision for the social enhancement of every worker in the tertiary sector.


As an affiliate of FEDUSA, the largest non-politically aligned federation in South Africa, five new branches have been established in just under two years, all exhibiting a common thread – “enough with the politics, we are labour!”.


With unionism continuing to evolve in modern times all NTEU branches have displayed powerful awareness of social justice issues whilst also enhancing their roles as the wardens of workers’ rights. It has become clear that when a worker chooses NTEU they are also choosing a better future.


Viva NTEU! Viva FEDUSA! Viva labour and a decent living for all!